Monday, March 31, 2008

OH Here I AM with my burnt belly at 23 weeks.
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Hey just wanted to show everyone the bedding we ordered. We love the bumper and the very gender neutral colors. We will add some accents after the one is born. This is not our crib though, but the color is the same.

23 week update

On the beach in Jamiaca!! Burnt belly but still feeling good!

Getting ready for a nice dinner out in Jamaica.

Hey everyone I know it has been quite a while since I have posted but I am sure as everyone knows such is life. Chris and I just returned from Jamaica and it was so much fun. SO I am including a bikini photo. I am 23 weeks along and getting ready for our 6 month check up next week. The baby is kicking me quite a bit now and at this point I still love feeling the kicks. (but lets see how long this love of kicks lasts!) We have ordered baby furniture and bedding and hope to get the nursery painted this weekend. We still are working on names, have some favorites, but no definites, this probably won't happen till the baby is born. I will update soon with some new ultrasound photos. But for now enjoy the belly shots!