Here is mommy and Raegan poolside in Sarasota, FL. We headed there for David and Katies wedding. Chris was a groomsmen and Raegan the flower girl. We had fun playing in the pool and were so thankful to have Nana and Papa come too so we had help with Raegan. She is a water baby for sure! And just to note I am 32 weeks pregnant here and being very brave letting it all hang out!

My little girl Raegan loves sunglasses and bows, and shoes, and being a girl, but will throw mud and play in the dirt at the same time! Love it. This was the rehearsal night and she was so adorable. Raegan is about 20 months old and growing into a little girl each and every day.

My gorgeous flower girl. She didn't quite make it down the aisle but nonetheless the most amazing flower girl for 20 months ever! She looked good and had fun!

So hard to get family photos these days. But I made sure we had at least one of us the night of the wedding. Chris looked so good and when I look at this photo now I can't believe we only have a couple weeks left before we are a family of 4.

My favorite photo from that weekend. Not often me and Rae smile at the same time! Love the sun and my southern baby girl!
1 comment:
You all look great! Raegan looks like she is having lots of fun. We are thinking of you all as you get ready to welcome your new little one. Dee
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