Still never sure why I put these out there except maybe for me to look back at and laugh. But here is my almost 30 week belly. I am definitely carrying diferently then I did with Raegan. I am much rounder if that makes any sense. In some ways I look at how big again and think wow I have so much more time I am going to be huge (you definitely forget how big you are at the end). I also think wow only 8 weeks to go (before induction since I won't go on my own and the doctors won't let me go past 39 weeks). ONLY 8 weeks!

Chris (aka Daddy) and his precious lil bear. Raegan is 20 months old and a ball of energy. Now that the weather is getting "warm" (for the north that means in the upper 50s) we have been outside as much as possible. Raegan likes to gather like items. Mostly rocks. She will find as many as she can and pile them up. It is too cute.

Nana came to visit while Chris was out of town. How nice to have family come and give me some extra hands to help out with Raegan. Much harder bending over these days! Nana, Raegan and I did some shopping with daddy gone and ordered Deuces' crib and dresser and thanks to Nana for the new moses basket! Love it!
1 comment:
You look beautiful, not too big at all! I am so excited for you to have number 2...it's gonna rock your world, but be the greatest thing ever at the same time!
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