So it is crazy to think I started this blog shortly after we found out we were pregnant with Raegan, our first. This was about 2 years ago. And I can't believe I am writing today talking about your second pregnancy. We found a few days after Laura's 30th birthday. Somewhat of a surprise, we are so blessed and so happy to be having a second baby and that Raegan and this baby will be so close in age, just under 2 years! I am almost 11 and half weeks pregnant and this time it is going much faster. I guess keeping up with a toddler occupies most of my time. We have been to a couple Dr appt and they have all gone very well. We have heard the heartbeat twice and last Wednesday we saw Duece moving and kicking around. Amazing for someone that is only 2 inches big. We are gearing up for a week down in Atlanta for Thanksgiving and will be seeing lots of family and friends. WE love and miss them all so much. Above is a the 11weeks and 3 day ultrasound photo of duece. Heartbeat was 167bpm. If you look close you can see a hand, leg, and some toes tucked up under his/her butt.