So I am feeling so frustrated today and feeling so guilty that I am actually looking forward to work tonight because it means a few hours away from Raegan. She is having a tough day and not napping and not really happy in my arms either, so I am out of things to try except letting her cry, which is soooo hard to do and hurts me to hear but, I don't know what else to do. It is frustrating because some days she does so well and goes down for her naps easily and takes 3 to 4 naps including at least one longer 2 hour nap, then there are days like today where she has not taken longer than a 30 minute nap and that is after fighting it for 30 minutes. So any ideas, or suggestions from you veteran moms, please let me know. Am I a bad mom for wanting to get away from it for a few hours? Am I doing something wrong? Will it ever get better?